Summer 2024
The Seven Beggars, Part 6: The Water Castle
On the sixth glad day they longed for the beggar who had no hands. No sooner had they expressed their wish than he appeared, saying “Here I am!” just as…
Joy Ladin: Poems from “The Future is Trying to Tell Us Something”
Tarot Readings Daily They’re reading Tarot cards right now,in the little pink house with the sign in the yard.Shadows spider across still-green lawnwhose fate, so far, defies the frosts. Someone…
Joy Ladin: Poems from “The Future is Trying to Tell Us Something” Read More »
Richard Misrach: Desert Canto, The Flood
The official categorization of this magazine is “Science Fiction and Fantasy,” but that’s just a work-around. What really interests us is what the Surrealists called le merveilleux. In Breton’s words,…
Priest-Dirt and the Water of Life
1. I am not a conjureman, calling the dead back to the land of the living. Nonetheless, I am here, finally, to perform the graveside rite so that I can…
Shut-Eyed Stories
There is a train terminal beneath the vast halls and escalator-riddled chambers of the grand hotel. He runs down one last flight of marble steps and hurries onto a train.…
Julia Vinograd: poems from The Book of Jerusalem
DEATH Jerusalem dances on living bodies,on dead bodies, on flesh, on stone—she doesn’t notice, she is not looking down.“You love death more than me,” God accuses her,“but I own death,do…
Julia Vinograd: poems from The Book of Jerusalem Read More »
Bruce Isaccson Interview
BI Julia and I were good friends for thirty plus years. I moved to Nevada in 1995, but we spoke on the phone several times a week, she was an…
Fish Fillets
Well I suppose we should start. Good afternoon everyone. I appreciate you attending the Data Informatics special interest group panel on this, the last day and time slot of our…
The Disappearing Lights of Cape Toqmaq
Chirpy and synthetic, the gaming sounds from Madina’s tablet burrow into my brain like an annoying earworm. “Good heavens, Dina, can you lay off the games for a minute?” Turning…
The Red Hand Speaks!
by Forsythia G-Robin and L. B. Apocalypse I take the same route to work every day: I walk from the west side, Easton Avenue, down the hill past the train…
Le Tigre
Allie held the painting at arm’s length and looked for something scary in it. The drying canvas was blood-soaked with all the reds she had squeezed from the tubes now…
Samantha Pious: Flash Fictions
Wake The best way to recruit a time traveler is in the zygote. Those recruited later in life will require prosthetics to reach the slipstream. Last night, my father came…
The Golden Rule
I remember it so sharp, like when a fog clears, the first time Jed Stokes entered our classroom. The teacher was giving some lesson on poetry:—‘What does Moore mean by…
from This Much & Much Less
All I Could Muster Outside of the everything,skeletons and puddles. The Bones and the Bare Most statues look likethey ought to be writhing. Thickness Speech goeswhere meaning ought to. Doors…
Reviews: Vinograd: “The Book of Jerusalem”; Farrington, “Flares and Fathoms”; Ladin, “The Future is Trying to Tell Us Something”.
Julia Vinograd, The Book of Jerusalem, Zeitgeist Press 2024 Julia Vinograd, poetic portraitist of Berkeley street life from the sixties on, worked throughout her life on a cycle of poems,…
The Seven Beggars, Part 6: The Water Castle
On the sixth glad day they longed for the beggar who had no hands. No sooner had they expressed their wish than he appeared, saying “Here I am!” just as…
Joy Ladin: Poems from “The Future is Trying to Tell Us Something”
Tarot Readings Daily They’re reading Tarot cards right now,in the little pink house with the sign in the yard.Shadows spider across still-green lawnwhose fate, so far, defies the frosts. Someone…
Joy Ladin: Poems from “The Future is Trying to Tell Us Something” Read More »
Richard Misrach: Desert Canto, The Flood
The official categorization of this magazine is “Science Fiction and Fantasy,” but that’s just a work-around. What really interests us is what the Surrealists called le merveilleux. In Breton’s words,…
Priest-Dirt and the Water of Life
1. I am not a conjureman, calling the dead back to the land of the living. Nonetheless, I am here, finally, to perform the graveside rite so that I can…
Shut-Eyed Stories
There is a train terminal beneath the vast halls and escalator-riddled chambers of the grand hotel. He runs down one last flight of marble steps and hurries onto a train.…
Julia Vinograd: poems from The Book of Jerusalem
DEATH Jerusalem dances on living bodies,on dead bodies, on flesh, on stone—she doesn’t notice, she is not looking down.“You love death more than me,” God accuses her,“but I own death,do…
Julia Vinograd: poems from The Book of Jerusalem Read More »
Bruce Isaccson Interview
BI Julia and I were good friends for thirty plus years. I moved to Nevada in 1995, but we spoke on the phone several times a week, she was an…
Fish Fillets
Well I suppose we should start. Good afternoon everyone. I appreciate you attending the Data Informatics special interest group panel on this, the last day and time slot of our…
The Disappearing Lights of Cape Toqmaq
Chirpy and synthetic, the gaming sounds from Madina’s tablet burrow into my brain like an annoying earworm. “Good heavens, Dina, can you lay off the games for a minute?” Turning…
The Red Hand Speaks!
by Forsythia G-Robin and L. B. Apocalypse I take the same route to work every day: I walk from the west side, Easton Avenue, down the hill past the train…
Le Tigre
Allie held the painting at arm’s length and looked for something scary in it. The drying canvas was blood-soaked with all the reds she had squeezed from the tubes now…
Samantha Pious: Flash Fictions
Wake The best way to recruit a time traveler is in the zygote. Those recruited later in life will require prosthetics to reach the slipstream. Last night, my father came…
The Golden Rule
I remember it so sharp, like when a fog clears, the first time Jed Stokes entered our classroom. The teacher was giving some lesson on poetry:—‘What does Moore mean by…
from This Much & Much Less
All I Could Muster Outside of the everything,skeletons and puddles. The Bones and the Bare Most statues look likethey ought to be writhing. Thickness Speech goeswhere meaning ought to. Doors…
Reviews: Vinograd: “The Book of Jerusalem”; Farrington, “Flares and Fathoms”; Ladin, “The Future is Trying to Tell Us Something”.
Julia Vinograd, The Book of Jerusalem, Zeitgeist Press 2024 Julia Vinograd, poetic portraitist of Berkeley street life from the sixties on, worked throughout her life on a cycle of poems,…