A Jewish wedding is celebrated for seven days. On the second of these, the bride and groom recalled the second beggar who had cheered them in the forest and given…
Derek Owens’ work in fiction has frequently graced our pages; his varied interests and engagements may be experienced at www.derekowens.net. From this wunderkammer of fantastic art and and artistic prose,…
Spectral Suburbs
As someone raised in an apartment building in New York City, I’ve always had a fascination with the suburbs. As I got older, that fascination only intensified. Even actually moving…
Olga Taran: Interview, Dioramas
96 How long have you been working in this medium? OT About ten years. I used to make diorama boxes, then I added puppets. Every box has a story. This…
Historical Surrealism: Some Paintings from 2003-20016
Right around 2000, I became frustrated with the artificial division between text and image in Western art and I experimented with combining them. Emerging out of my sketchbooks were characters…
Historical Surrealism: Some Paintings from 2003-20016 Read More »