Sheila stood outside the Von Krambourg Funeral Home in Lunette, New Jersey in her carefully selected funeral clothes: a fragile navy-blue rayon crepe Wiener Werkstatte print tunic with a wide peplum…
Science Fiction
Esther knew that she should be preparing for a blackout. She should be checking her care gear and the deadbolts. She should place the gun where she could reach it,…
Fish Fillets
Well I suppose we should start. Good afternoon everyone. I appreciate you attending the Data Informatics special interest group panel on this, the last day and time slot of our…
The Disappearing Lights of Cape Toqmaq
Chirpy and synthetic, the gaming sounds from Madina’s tablet burrow into my brain like an annoying earworm. “Good heavens, Dina, can you lay off the games for a minute?” Turning…
Priest-Dirt and the Water of Life
1. I am not a conjureman, calling the dead back to the land of the living. Nonetheless, I am here, finally, to perform the graveside rite so that I can…
His Bradbury Jacket
The wide front window of the coffee shop was covered with posters for local events and services. A new lecture series at the University. What bands would be playing at…
Austin Gilmore: Flash Fiction
PHOTO KIOSK My parents will retire soon, their eyes too fuzzy, their hands too shaky to fill prescriptions, and this crusty old pharmacy will be my cross to bear. And…
The Kindness Monster
I think I’ve chosen darkness. Or maybe I’m just lazy. Not really sure. There was a boy, drowning. I was sitting against a tree, reading. The birds, the damned birds,…
Roadkill Ethics
Herbert Ewing was gleefully observing the various drones flying about working his farmland — planting, seeding, applying agricultural sprays, irrigating, monitoring field conditions and plant health — when his “man,”…
The Bleeding Summer of Love
It began as a clear bright line in the sky. They could see it from the station wagon as they drove up the long, pine-bordered highway that led through the…