The packages arrive on Tuesdays in boxes that fold through dimensions that shouldn’t exist. Each one hums a different frequency of sorrow, cataloged carefully in my basement where grief crystallizes…
Magic Realism
Lawrence The Tiger
Jim Cheff has begun posting animations of Lawrence: click for My Favorite Chair and Memories of Bruges
Diddy Wah Diddy
Here, the gods want a mighty groove, wild flight through the landscape, and a plentiful supply of Juju Junkfood. Scripture and sacrifice can be great, but they’re optional. Vestments and…
Furnace Boy, I Am Speaking!
The Roof came down, and he was angry. There were more powerful gods in the house, MAAA chief among them. But MAAA rarely took enough form to interact with the…
All That Falls
I went to the Platt Street Bridge today and looked across the Genesee gorge at the spot where Sam Patch plummeted nearly a hundred feet to his death. By my…
to wait as if waiting for the rising moon
I canter across the field, legs pumping, the awkward rhythm extending and extending, my calves burning, throat catching, until the rush floods in and it is her running. Lilja’s ears,…
Steven Sherril: Flash Fiction
Nine-Ball When I take my drowned brother to the pool hall, we always get a table. Nobody likes to get dripped on. Not the Thursday night frat boys, with their…
The Imaginary Friends Come Home for a Funeral
The sky is too bright for late November. The glare of the sun is garish, almost enough to sear one’s skin. A dark spot moves along the ground, fast, and…
Messiah in America: Act V
The same scene. The two Messiahs are preparing for the fight. Menachem’s Messiah is saying prayers. Menachem, Flossie and Jack are gathered around him. Flossie: (Chews gum.) Jackie: Do you…
Poems from “The Shipping on the Styx”
KEEPING THE WINDOW CLOSED The last time I opened the window the moon got in, streaked through between the sill and sash and plunged into the mirror. It stuck there.…