On Hearing the Cafe Mediterraneum is About to Close But I live here.drinking ghost coffee, writing poemsand wondering why the morning papersnever get older?I mean, I have an address and…
John Yohalem: Poetry
The Archaeologist There was weight in the way she spoke the word.Pot, she said. Pot.It had echo, presence – solidity —the syllable on her steady lip:Pot. Off-white symmetrical labyrinth bands…
Poetry: John Grey
GATHERER I walk across the endless dry oceansof this planet,gathering rocks in sacks,thinking how if this were earthand I were wandering over its sea bedsI would have drowned by this.…
The Sphinx
The Sphinx was first printed in 1894 in a limited edition, one year before Wilde’s trial. Wilde was then a celebrity, at the height of his arrogance and impudence, and…
Poetry of Julia Vinograd
(Julia Vinograd’s publisher, Zeitgeist Press, is well worth a visit.) Anonymous Anonymous is dead.I heard the terrible soft soundof his fingers unclenching a fold of blanket like a cliff he…
Ghosts of War
There are a number of paradoxical parallels between medieval warfare and the waging of World War One. The art of the miner and sapper, once the standby of those who…
Poems from the Baal & Ashtoreth cycle
1 You are the most extraordinarily beautiful woman with the elongate lines of an African sculpture, slats, cylinders, bonded blocks, corners knocked off and rounded.|Actually, you’re a black woman in…
Fatal Birds of the Soul
There is no God,
yet Angels stride
the emptiness of stars.