There is a train terminal beneath the vast halls and escalator-riddled chambers of the grand hotel. He runs down one last flight of marble steps and hurries onto a train.…
The Furniture Maker
The God of the Sea keeps our stories. When their time comes, he helps us find our way through them, even if we don’t want to remember. Stories are like…
Night Market Noodles
The room in which I found myself was suffocated in decay. Its corners were blurred with concretions of dust and broken shards, or filthy black cobwebs saturated with
A FAQ on the Local Population of Sam Stemrunners
Visitors are naturally curious about Sam Stemrunners. They’re cheerful, helpful, melodic, and easy to find. They are typically heard first from afar, whistling or singing one of their many vocational…
A FAQ on the Local Population of Sam Stemrunners Read More »
Going To The Dogs
Armitage lit a cigarette as he surveyed the street. It looked like a normal residential road, albeit one that got more than its fair share of traffic. Terraced houses lined…
How Nine Lives Got Her Tails
Every morning before dawn Spinner, Giver, and Cutter harvested star thread. They’d inspect the nets stretched across their fields for the snarls that had fallen during the night and gather…
The Seven Beggars : The Oldest Man
As their hearts began to break with longing, a voice called out, Here I am. I’ve brought you as your wedding present the blessing that I promised you, that you…
The Seven Beggars
Prologue I will tell you the secret of human happiness . . . Once upon a time there was a king who had one son, and he wanted to hand…
Chasing Golden Autumn
“Nearly the end of summer,” said the mistress of the tavern, to no one in particular, as she heaved another log on the fire. She gathered her shawl around her…