Unbeknownst to his wife, Edwin Hersek was involved in a full-blown affair. Her name was Gina and she sat in Edwin’s garage looking lovely as ever. He ran his hand…
Tourette’s Crucible
Tourette’s Crucible “I am sick of meetings; cannot a man turn his head without he have a meeting?” —Putnam, The Crucible. “Yip, yip, bark, shit-fuck-shit.” —Anonymous Tourette’s Sufferer. Act 1…
Up in Smoke
Been to the ruins, have you? Not yet? Ah, you’re just off the charter plane. I saw that hat coming down the tarmac. You didn’t look like the rest. I…
Post Mortem Marketing of Antidepressants . . . Cash Cow from the Casket Set?
Marcus Greenback, CEO of the titanic new pharmaceutical conglomerate, Phizerckaxobbottartis, Inc. thinks he has found a “cure” for the flagging the anti-depressant market: targeting the despondent dead. News that he…
Post Mortem Marketing of Antidepressants . . . Cash Cow from the Casket Set? Read More »
Miss Mary Mack
That night Dieter lay in bed pondering the scene from Goethe. He got down the book and read it over. Here Faust wants to call up the ghost of Helen…
Doron Paz Interview
Since 2009 Doron and Yoav Paz have made four movies (Phobidilia, ,JeruZalem, The Golem, and Plan A) and four TV series (Exposed, Asfur, Temporarily Dead, and Fullmoon). The Golem and…
Feast or Famine
Alternate Day Fasting: Lose Weight Fast, with Fasting! —the article title reads. The letters are long, spindly and black, like shadows of the words themselves. I scroll down. Luke is…
Life Plans
Victor Pence gestured around the kitchen. “I put the countertops in myself about a month ago. The refrigerator’s only a few years old. In fact, all the appliances are pretty…
Droll Anal Lord
Planet X They say it’s the moon—the lunar pull—that brings out the slavering beast. Maybe for some. But for me, it’s the ninth planet yanking on my chromosomes, that makes…
Tales out of (Art) School
Bullied By Mondrian The Aesthetic movement (which you’ll call Symbolism or Decadence if you took French in high school) occupied the second half of the nineteenth century. It was a…