Else Lasker-Schüler

11 February 1869 – 22 January 1945, German poet and playwright famous for her bohemian lifestyle. She was one of the few women affiliated with the Expressionist Lasker-Schüler, who was Jewish, fled Nazi Germany, and lived out the rest of her life in Jerusalem. Yehuda Amichai, who met the elderly Lasker-Schüler, described her as “my first hippie.”

Her first book of poetry, Styx , was her finest production. In it she straddles fin de siècle and Expressionist styles, in a manneer that can be compared to Munch or Van Gogh—though she is far more on the ecstatic, pantheist Van Gogh end of the spectrum. Styx has just been translated by Mildred Faintly, and can be purchased in an attractive bilingual edition here.