Austin Gilmore
is an Art Director and Gallery Artist based in Kansas City. Before that, he co-ran Kevin Costner’s production company for 7 years. His stories have appeared in Every Day Fiction, […]
is an Art Director and Gallery Artist based in Kansas City. Before that, he co-ran Kevin Costner’s production company for 7 years. His stories have appeared in Every Day Fiction, […]
is an international nomad, currently living in London. By day, she works in healthcare research, trying to use those ridiculous letters after her name (MA, MSc, PhD). By night, she […]
Writing has always been Alec’s passion. He even still carves out writing time during the chaos of his first year as a high school English teacher. When he’s not reading, writing, […]
Zven lives in a salvaged shack in the middle of the woods and enjoys hiking at night, weird rocks, and ocarinas. They’re not so good at small talk but exceptional […]
has been studying the tarot with great intensity for the past forty-five minutes. She is not now, nor has she ever been, a mayoral candidate, a seamstress, or a winner […]
lives in sexy, deadly New Brunswick, NJ, and has puttered under various noms de plume: e m dash, Helena Handbasket, Edwin Winfred Chapman III, Mad Sweeney, and others long forgotten. […]
Jill Hammer is a celebrated author, scholar, rabbi, ritualist, poet, and dreamworker. The Moonstone Covenant is her first work of fantasy fiction., and may be purchased from the publisher or […]
Germany’s wittiest poet, whose genius oscillated between lyrical rapture and self mockery. Though he referred to Aristophanes as “my real father,” he was actually more like Euripides with a sense […]
Barbara Adams Holland, born in Philadelphia and a graduate of University of Pennsylvania, made her entrance into the New York poetry scene around 1961 with a self-published chapbook, Medusa. The […]