I will give a faithful account of the strange events that took place in the courtyard at the Archbishop’s residence. But to do so I will need to share some…
Rabbit Ears
My husband talks in his sleep. His chatter is about fixing things. Always. What exactly he is fixing is never clear. All I know is that they are so, so…
Family Tree
It took Teddy first. This made sense in a way, because he was always running barefoot in the dirt and never washed his hands, but it was still surprising because…
Iguana Linguini
They were traveling in a part of the country they had vacationed in for years, but they’d never been down this road before. The town was tiny, only two tourist-trap…
An Unchanged History
It doesn’t trouble me when my mother forgets my name. She’s 83 and has been in the nursing home for months. A battery of health problems brought her in, but…
Jean Lorrain: Ennoia
Chilperic, the Frankish king, controlled northern Franceand had ambitions for north-west Germany.He was heading home one evening, gloomy and exhausted,his men were heavy laden with golden crosses,enameled silver ciboria and…
Holiday on Ice
Yeah, so the bastard left me, he left me stranded in the house in the middle of winter, snow blowing like a blinding white nightmare, right? Where the treetops listen,…
A Xmas Carol
Ghosts like Christmas. During the Christmas season, a brief willingness to believe in the magical swept over the Earth. That tight veil that separates the possible from the impossible fades…
The Wonderful Wound in the Back of My Head
or How Eating the Cheese Dribbling from My Skull Explains the Universe in Its Entirety I have this wound in the back of my head (a drinking injury—more on that…