Chilperic, the Frankish king, controlled northern Franceand had ambitions for north-west Germany.He was heading home one evening, gloomy and exhausted,his men were heavy laden with golden crosses,enameled silver ciboria and…
Holiday on Ice
Yeah, so the bastard left me, he left me stranded in the house in the middle of winter, snow blowing like a blinding white nightmare, right? Where the treetops listen,…
A Xmas Carol
Ghosts like Christmas. During the Christmas season, a brief willingness to believe in the magical swept over the Earth. That tight veil that separates the possible from the impossible fades…
The Wonderful Wound in the Back of My Head
or How Eating the Cheese Dribbling from My Skull Explains the Universe in Its Entirety I have this wound in the back of my head (a drinking injury—more on that…
Le Tigre
Allie held the painting at arm’s length and looked for something scary in it. The drying canvas was blood-soaked with all the reds she had squeezed from the tubes now…
The Red Hand Speaks!
by Forsythia G-Robin and L. B. Apocalypse I take the same route to work every day: I walk from the west side, Easton Avenue, down the hill past the train…
Bicycle Man
Isaac never could draw a bicycle from memory, but most people couldn’t. Sure, they’d remember its two eponymous wheels, and the handlebars and seat came next, but so many forgot…
We Buried Our Gays
You are not a ghost, I know, because I can touch you. I pull leaves and branches out of your curly hair as you pull my hips closer to you,…
Too Many Fish
The idea, absurd as it might be, was a simple one. The fish tank in Chris’s bedroom was no ordinary fish tank. The tank itself, basking in the soft…