
Marcia Blaustein

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A seasoned ad copywriter, M.S. Blaustein has proudly created dozens of promotional blights on our culture. She is also a part-time stand-up comic, happily venting her frustrations on stage at […]

Rachel Blaustein

(1890-1931) —her name is usually spelled “Rahel” out of an unhelpful deference to Hebrew orthography— a Zionist of the second Aliyah, she created a new poetic idiom out of spoken […]

Michael Blitz

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“I write, I study things that interest me, draw things that I don’t find out about until it’s too late,  build things that interest me while I’m building them and […]

Dylan Boyer

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graduated from Goddard College with an MFA in Creative Writing in 2020. He is at work on his first novel. He lives in Virginia. 

Nachman of Breslov

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(1772-1810) Grandson of the Baal Shem Tov, founder of a a Hasidic movement, brilliant mystical thinker, his definitive work was a collection of fantasy stories in Yiddish.

Justin Brumby

Justin Brumby, a trans man of modest means and uncertain employment, now living in Berlin, holds a doctorate in Littératures françaises et comparée from the Sorbonne.

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Rob Budinger

runs the eveningpilgrim blog where he posts thoughts and digital images that have come to him largely as a consequence of willfully relinquishing control so his eyes and hands can […]

Hallin Burgan

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graduated from the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign in the Spring of 2021, where he majored in Media and Cinema Studies and minored in Creative Writing and Philosophy. Currently teaching […]

Red Charles

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is new to writing fiction, but—being fictional himself—has first-hand experience with it. The person who thought him up started out as a bookish nerd in a tiny Rust Belt town […]

Jim Cheff

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Jim Cheff is person of diverse passions. These passions include surrealist literature and art, experimental music, and vintage children’s television programs. He has written two novels, ‘Mister Planet’ and ‘Dark […]

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