
Paul Raboff

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Born in Philadelphia, Friends Central School, moved to L.A. at age 11. Pomona College and UCLA began being published in poetry as undergraduate, small magazines, then got connected with the […]

Alexander J. Richardson

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His other works include Big Ma’s Boys, Itchin’ for Trouble , Skeleton in the Cellar and Kind Girls. While a largely write speculative fiction, he also dabbles in westerns and realism. […]

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Charles Ricketts

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(1866-1931), Painter, theater designer (the classic Mikado costumes), producer of exquisitely designed books (The Vale Press), life-companion of the painter Charles Shannon (who made the portrait shown here. A friend […]

Melissa Rose Rogers

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Melissa Rose Rogers writes speculative fiction and is a recent transplant to the Mile High City with her husband, daughter and furbabies. Board games and ice cream make her smile. […]

Sam Ruddick

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is a PEN/O. Henry Prize winning fiction writer. His most recent work can be found in Issue #1 of Dracula Beyond Stoker, due out in November of 2022. 

Brett Rutherford

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is author of 20 books of poetry full of autumn, gods, monsters, perverse wishes, and rebellion. Most notable are Whippoorwill Road: The Supernatural Poems and Anniversarius: The Book of Autumn. […]

Michael Schapiro

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was born to the red diaper. His parents had plans to flee to Canada if McCarthy called their name. He came of age in the turmoil of the 60’s and […]

Elsie Schrotthaufen

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Elsie Schrotthaufen lives in a world full of wonder! No, wait, that’s Flipper – famous TV dolphin. Elsie Schrotthaufen lives in a world, just like you and me, but maybe […]

Bruno Schulz

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(July 12, 1892 – November 19, 1942) was a Polish Jewish writer, artist, and literary critic. A number of collections of his stories are available from Amazon,

Steven Sherril

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is not, absolutely not, a traditional academic, nor a scholar. Steven Sherrill is definitely a wannabe musician. And an enthusiastic but mediocre painter. And a lifelong motorcyclist. He will not […]

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