Derek Owens’ work in fiction has frequently graced our pages; his varied interests and engagements may be experienced at From this wunderkammer of fantastic art and and artistic prose, we have culled the following visions. The following headings, titles, and clarifications are Owens’ own.
“Portalage”: an archaic nautical and architectural term meaning “the construction of portals.” The canvas, the blank page, the laptop keyboard—all portals looking out into the everwhen while simultaneously offering glimpses into the hollow earth of one’s mind. As good a metaphor as any for this work we do.
From the series “Synaesthetic Mapping,”
an approximation of how Ryan Owens, who has synaesthesia, “sees” these songs:

visual transcription of Kendrick Lamar’s “Momma”, verse 1

visual transcription of Lauryn Hill’s “Zealots”, verse 2

visual transcription of Vin Staples’ “Big Fish”, verse 2