
Stephanie Kelly

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has been writing her entire life. Originally from Michigan, she moved to New York City after college to pursue a career in publishing, and has been working in the industry […]

Shoshana Kerewsky

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Shoshana D. Kerewsky’s writing has appeared in La Concha, fiction international, QUIX, Northeast Journal, Little Patuxent Review, HamLit, Every Woman I’ve Ever Loved, Which Lilith?, The Psychology of Harry Potter, […]

Robin Kirman

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combines work in psychoanalysis with writing fiction. She is the author of two novels, including Bradstreet Gate (Crown) and The End of Getting Lost (Simon and Schuster), as well as short stories […]

Hank Kirton

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lives and writes in New England. He has spent most of his life working in factories, warehouses and kitchens while writing weird fiction to maintain his equilibrium. His short stories have […]

Kip Knott

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— his newest book of poetry, Clean Coal Burn, is available from Kelsay Books. His first collection of stories, Some Birds Nest in Broken Branches, will be released later this […]

Thomas Koperwas

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is a retired teacher living in Windsor, Ontario, Canada who writes short stories of horror, crime, fantasy, and science fiction. His work has appeared, or is forthcoming in: Anotherealm; Jakob’s […]

Neil Krolicki

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is a Stoker Award nominee whose stories have appeared in Chuck Palahniuk’s Burnt Tongues, ThugLit, Grotesque Magazine, Infernal Ink and Shotgun Honey. His noir comic ‘120 Doses’ is available now […]

Joy Ladin

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has long worked at the tangled intersection of literature and transgender identity, publishing ten books of poetry, including Lambda Literary finalists Transmigration and Impersonation and National Jewish Book Award winner The Book of Anna , as […]

Lisa Lampert-Weissig

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lives in San Diego with her family, which includes a cat named Peppercorn and a pug named Chaucer. Trained as a scholar of medieval literature, she teaches at the University of […]

Mikhail Lermontov

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(1814-1841), poet and novelist, second only to Pushkin in power. But while Pushkin had a Goethe-like classical balance, Lermontov was a romantic, whose real life matched his Byronic self image—hence […]

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