A Hero of Our Time/ The Demon
This volume features new translations of two timeless — yet eminently readable — Russian classics by the Romantic poet Mikhail Lermontov (1814-1841), who, alongside Pushkin, was a major figure of Russia’s literary Golden Age, and a founder of modern Russian literature as we now know it. The dubious “heroes” of the two works presented here — the seductive Demon, and the infamous “Hero of Our Time” Pechorin — proved especially influential as archetypes for a long line of tortured, brooding, “superfluous,” and profoundly conflicted — or downright evil — characters in the Russian tradition. Reading these two works in tandem is therefore particularly revealing: in this volume, The Demon (which tells of a beautiful Georgian princess’s seduction by a demon) is presented as a kind of poetic overture to the masterfully paced prose of A Hero of Our Time (which features everything from kidnapping, horse thievery, gunfights and duels, to existential meditations on life’s meaning and predetermination). Finally, two lyric poems — “The Angel” (one of Lermontov’s earliest) and “A Dream” (one of his last, written not long before his death in a duel at the age of 26) — round out this collection of outstanding Russian prose and poetry from one of its greatest and most fascinating writers.
We have interviewed Pettus and published an excerpt from this translation.
He has also published a more literal version with facing-page Russian text